One of my pet peeves about making a new campaign has always been that my players can't make their characters right away when they join. Instead, there is the following chain of events that have to take place:
Presented here is a quick and simple script that will immediately create a character for a player when they login, if they don't already have one, which they can then start editing right away. So the chain of events is reduced to:
This script is available from the One-Click API script installer. Search for "Welcome Package".
- Player joins campaign, can't do anything, and logs out.
- I log into campaign.
- I create a blank character for the player that joined earlier and then log out.
- Player logs in sometime later and is finally able to build their character.
Presented here is a quick and simple script that will immediately create a character for a player when they login, if they don't already have one, which they can then start editing right away. So the chain of events is reduced to:
- Player joins campaign and can immediately start building their character.
This script is available from the One-Click API script installer. Search for "Welcome Package".